Fortunate to Write my 2000th Blog- ‘Vision’

Vision (In a Nutshell)

  • “Vision is the true creative rhythm.”- Robert Delaunay (French- Former Artist)
  • “True originality consists not in a new manner but in a new vision.”- Edith Wharton
  • “All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.”- Brian Tracy (American- Author)

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What Makes a Good Leader?

Leadership (In a Nutshell)

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Understand What you Want to Achieve

Gather Information Pertaining to other People’s Perception of you

Your motivation should reflect your values.
Get information from sincere group of people that will analyse you honestly with regards to:

  • What you are good at with regards to your job/ career path.
  • What is holding you back.
  • What you are lacking.
  • In order to gain help from others you give yourself the chance to obtain opportunities that may not have been possible without that assistance.
  • What you can seize from your network; suggestions on how to improve your mannerisms and behaviours.

Continue reading “Understand What you Want to Achieve”

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