“Abstract Mixture”
- Think outside of the box; laterally.
- It requires some methodical thinking combined with unplanned ideas.
- Intelligence is an “Abstract” concept.
- If a person can’t substantiate something, but they are right in the end, that constitutes that being “Abstract.”
- There must be a “Mixture” of planning and making decisions that can’t backed up.
- Success isn’t an exact science.
- It’s imperative that an individual change their plan in different situations.
- Decisions have to be modified.
- Go with the flow.
- Nothing stays the same; challenges are infinite as perfection is unattainable, predominantly.
“Ambiguous Improvisation”
- Something that’s not clear cut.
- Decisions must be made, at times, without a systematic plan.
- “Improvisation” refers to something that has no definitive strategy.
- It’s the gift of changing when there’s pressure on, due to it the original plan not working.
“Courageous Ambition”
- “Courage is not the absence of fear- it’s inspiring others to move beyond it.”
- In order for success to be attained “Ambition” is essential.
- It’s the yearning to accomplish something.
“Enthusiastic Courage”
- If a person enjoys what they are doing then that means they may be likely to achieve something. They don’t need to have success in order to achieve something.
- The result should be irrelevant; a person can only try their best.
- Performance and endeavour should be the priority.
- It’s the capability of doing something that may bring about fear. At the same time the person must be in good spirit.
- “Appearances matter- and remember to smile.”
“Intense Determination”
- Having robust opinions.
- Sticking to the same plan.
- Not being put off implementing ideas due to negative external forces.
“New Beginnings”
- If something is a fresh idea without worrying about failure you can’t lose.