Miguel Cabrera- Baseballer

Miguel Cabrera- Baseballer (In a Nutshell)

  • Miguel Cabrera was born in Venezuela on April 18th, 1983.
  • He has played for the Detroit Tigers since 2008, which is where he currently plays.
  • “Detroit is part of my family and part of my life, my home.”- Miguel Cabrera
  • “I’m not mad when people talk bad about me; that’s the way it is.”- Miguel Cabrera
  • “I learned so much for my mistakes.”- Miguel Cabrera
  • “It’s why sport is so great you learn something every day. Every day.”- Miguel Cabrera

Miguel Cabrera- Baseballer (Nitty Gritty)

  • “First you help yourself, and then you can help everybody.”- Miguel Cabrera
  • “We have the great fans in Detroit. We’ve got a great ballpark, great stadium.”- Miguel Cabrera
  • “I love to play in Detroit.”- Miguel Cabrera
  • “You play with pain. You don’t think about it.”- Miguel Cabrera

Miguel Cabrera- Baseballer (What sets him apart)

  • “Days off help. Even if people don’t like it when they give you a day off, you’ve got to take a day off because sometimes you’ve got to clear your mind.”- Miguel Cabrera
  • “I always like to play. I cannot sit down and see what’s going to happen, because it’s boring.”- Miguel Cabrera
  • “You have to listen to advice.”- Miguel Cabrera
  • “If you go to a game nervous, you make a mistake.”- Miguel Cabrera

Miguel Cabrera- Baseballer (Final Thoughts)

  • “My wife says I don’t listen when she talks. But when people talk. I’m in my own world, I think – always thinking.”- Miguel Cabrera
  • “When you’re not doing good, the world’s going to be against you.”- Miguel Cabrera
  • “If I worry about what everybody is saying, there is going to be a lot on my mind. I don’t want that.”- Miguel Cabrera

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