Team Sport (In a Nutshell)
- Play your given role.
- Learn to get on with people.
- Make new friends; grow socially.
- Camaraderie within the group can be infectious.
- Can reduce worrying and can boost belief within one’s self.
- Means that a person is fitter.
- It teaches people about failure.
- The activity that can bring you happiness.
- Teamwork that’s required in other industries can be acquired through team sport.
- It can teach you how to cope with adversity and being resilient.
- Optimum performance at your role should be the aim.
Team Sport (Positives)
- The main part of being a part of a team is that you improve socially and merely playing your role is what’s required of a person playing a team sport.
- A good coach can inspire a player to become a better person as well as improve at their given team sport.
- You only need one person to believe in you in order to make the step to playing a team sport professionally.
- Can benefit a person in terms of learning to get on with people as well as staying fit and healthy.
Team Sport (Negatives)
- There is a chance of a person suffering an injury.
- Mental health can be adversely impacted on due to bullying by a coach or a fellow teammate.
- May lead to conflict with teammates as it’s tough to get on with everyone.
Team Sport (In a Nutshell)
- Learn to get into a routine; sleeping, exercise and diet etc.
- Sport is predominantly about winning, at a professional level, as it brings in sponsors, sales of merchandise etc.
- It can teach people about life; it’s inevitable that people will have differences as no one is perfect and that it’s okay to lose; all that matters is that a person does their best.
- Team sport can challenge a person to be mentally and physically tough and resilient.
- There can be people from totally different backgrounds and upbringings together!