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What is an Extrovert?
- A person that talks a lot and isn’t afraid to voice their opinion.
- Someone that likes to communicate through verbalising.
- Enjoys being a part of team/group.
- They are people that are outgoing.
- Is a person that generally enjoys social networking.
- Have a tendency to voice the way they are feeling; impulsive.
- An individual that acts before thinking logically.
- People that enjoy engaging with their fellow human being.
What are the Positives of Being an Extrovert?
- They generally are positive people.
- Someone who is more likely to get breaks as they generally know more people.
- Better at forging relationships.
- Theoretically are more successful; likely to get an opportunity to get a reference for a job.
- Can achieve more socially.
- Achieve more in the professional façade of life.
- Don’t have all of their eggs in 1 basket.
- Enjoy spending time with other people.
- Are often confident and charismatic.
What are the Negatives of Being an Extrovert?
Being a Person that Talks too much means you are a Danger to Yourself!