George Foreman- Former Boxer

George Foreman- Former Boxer (In a Nutshell)

  • George Foreman was born in the United States of January 10th, 1949.
  • His Boxing record was impressive; he only lost five out of 81 fights.
  • He made the decision to retire in 1997.
  • “The greatest asset, even in this country, is not oil and gas. It’s integrity. Everyone is searching for it, asking, ‘Who can I do business with that I can trust?’”- George Foreman

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What other people thought of Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela (In a Nutshell)

  • “I met Nelson Mandela, and I really didn’t know what to say. It was years ago at a benefit. I was just in awe of this man because of what he’d done.”- Robin Williams (American Comedian, Actor)
  • “It’s a blessing that South Africa has a man like Nelson Mandela.”- Desmond Tutu (South African- Leader)
  • “One of my biggest regrets was not taking the time to go to South Africa to meet Nelson Mandela. That is a big regret of mine. I Should have figured out a way.”- Charles Barkley (American Basketballer)

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