Cats v Swans Review
Quarter 1
Papley with a long kick. Reid took a good mark and slotted an easy goal.
Kolodjashnij kicked the call Dangerfield, who took a clever mark and kicked straight through the middle.
Free kick against to Dangerfield, who kicked his second straight.
Menegola took an intelligent mark and kicked the goal.
Cats effectively negated Buddy.
Newman with a good kick, but Stewart spoiled Heeney.
Henderson intercepted a mark from a kick by Hannebery
Geelong controlled the ball off half back.
Quarter 2
Tuohy prevented Sinclair from taking a mark.
Henderson spoiled in a contest on the wing.
Fifty metre penalty against Buddy, goal to Duncan.
Stanley took a contested mark and followed with an important goal in the context of the game.
Duncan followed up a ball in dispute with a goal to reward his perseverance.
Henderson took an intercepted mark, Zak Jones coughed it up.
Smith with a great mark that caused a turnover by the Swans, finished with a good goal.
Bews with a kick to Dangerfield who took a terrific mark, kicked goal number four.
Quarter 3
Menzel with a clever mark, kicked a fantastic mark.
Mcveigh hit the post; he missed a good opportunity.
Jack kicked the ball to the advantage of Parker, spoiled by the Cats in the goal square of the Swans.
Stewart turnover the ball over to Buddy, who missed the resultant kick through the big sticks.
A chain of handballs by the Cats, that ended in a sublime finish by Motlop.
Rohan caught holding the ball by Motlop; epitomised the game for both teams.
Menzel with a special mark, followed by a clever kick around the corner.
Scott Selwood tackled Mcveigh holding the ball.
Menegola kicked a mercurial goal around the corner.
Quarter 4
The game was already over on the scoreboard so the fourth quarter was largely irrelevant.