What skills you need to maximize your potential?

Why it’s important to have knowledge of your own personal Emotions?

  • What this relates to is self-awareness, which a person’s knowledge of themselves as well as their worth as a person. In a nutshell what this consists of is the following:
  • Self-confidence, precisely self-awareness as well as an individual’s knowledge of their own emotions.

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What makes someone or something Successful?

What Mindset is Needed to be a Success?

  • There is always scope for improvement.
  • In any endeavour in life the challenge isn’t to pursue the inconceivable, but to rise above the ignorance, injustice and hypocrisy within society. Expectation has no ceiling. Therefore, it’s imperative to set lofty goals in order to maximise a person/organizations potential.
  • A person can only control their own actions and emotions.
  • It’s important not to have your emotions triggered by results.

Continue reading “What makes someone or something Successful?”

Emotional Intelligence and Why it Matters?

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to function in society. This encapsulates a person’s knowledge of themselves, with regards to every facet, including their strengths and weaknesses. Emotional intelligence also refers to a person’s capacity to relate and interact with the full spectrum of individuals within society. Continue reading “Emotional Intelligence and Why it Matters?”

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